Frustrating employee onboarding experiences often start with good intentions.  Hardworking HR teams create a series of manual reminders in an attempt to keep new starters engaged before their first day. Follow-up text messages, emails, phone calls and welcome packs are often pushed aside to focus on more burning tasks. New starters are re-prioritised after an offer is accepted and fall into a black hole of good intentions. Not only is this trend potentially damaging to an employers brands, but reports of 20% new employee attrition within 45 days are common.  The frustration of new hires departing within their first months also compounds the workload of busy HR teams. The hiring process to find another candidate, negotiate and prepare an offer, begins again.   So, how can this be avoided? The first step is to ensure employees are not lured by more engaging experiences and feel valued even before they join the team! One quick win is to express the team’s (not just organisation’s) vision, cultural values, and quirks. Sharing what makes the team unique is vital when creating a memorable and successful onboarding journey. Let’s walk through some ideas to immerse your new starters in the team culture before day one:  

1. Welcome from the CEO

By sharing a personalised welcome from the CEO or division leader, you instantly create a sense of connection with your new starters. Following this with a one-on-one catch up in their first week can create a truly amazing welcome.       

2. Share the company values

People love to join organisations that align with their values and beliefs. It’s important to keep reinforcing your culture, brand, and unique style to new starters before they begin.  


3. Prompt new starters to like & follow social profiles

Once a candidate has publicised their move, invite them to join your social networks and to partake in the conversation. New starters will be more in-tune with your latest announcements and feel connected to the team’s ongoing success.      

 4. Follow up the offer with a personalised gift

It’s often the smallest gestures that count the most. Take note of any special interests during the hiring process. Discovered they love gardening – why not get them a personalised seedling pack?     


5. Invite new starters to group chat tools

As the first day draws near, consider inviting your new employee to channels in your group chat tool. Channels that share random insights into the work-life of your team, celebrations and important product or service updates can be an effective way to boost engagement prior to day one.       This is a brief introduction on how to engage new employees before day one and to boost early retention. For more great ideas on how to engage employees throughout their onboarding journey – check out our free onboarding checklist.
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