INFOGRAPHIC: Good vs Bad Employee Onboarding Processes
Still onboarding new employees with a traditional, paper-based employee onboarding process? Not only is your process tedious for HR, it’s also slow and confusing for the candidate.
Here’s the difference between an automated employee onboarding app like HROnboard and more traditional employee onboarding processes – from the new hire’s perspective.

- Krauss, A. D. (2010). Onboarding the hourly workforce. Poster presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Atlanta, GA.
- Bauer, T.N., Morrison, E.W., & Callister, R.R. (1998). Organizational socialization: A review and directions for future research. In G. R. Ferris (Ed.), Research in personnel and human resource management: Vol. 16 (pp. 149-214). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
- Chao, G.T., O’Leary-Kelly, A.M., Wolf, S., Klein, H.J., & Gardner, P.D. (1994). Organizational socialization: Its content and consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 730-743.
- Klein, H.J., & Weaver, N.A. (2000). The effectiveness of an organizational level orientation training program in the socialization of new hires. Personnel Psychology, 53, 47-66.

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