HR Tech Fest Washington DC 2016 has been a big conference with a bunch of big ideas being shared. Here’s some of the highlights:

The Multi-generational Workforce is here – so adapt

Christine Hassler discussed ways to take advantage of the the millennial-dominated workforce. It’s always a contentious topic, but there’s no denying that the way HR manages the modern workforce has to change with the times.

With great data comes great responsibility

Bill Boorman did not disappoint, talking about the power of HR data and more importantly, how we need to use it.

The advantages of making data-driven HR decisions cannot be understated, no matter the size of your organisation.

Don’t worry about understanding how APIs work

Neil Morrison gave some great advice to all of those in HR who aren’t as comfortable with technology – don’t worry about understanding exactly how it works, just understand the impact it will have on your organisation.

That’s not an excuse to ignore technology completely, by the way – HR Tech is here to stay, so you can either learn to take advantage of it or fall behind.

Until next year!

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