Why we love hiring graduates

Why we love hiring graduates

We’re hiring. Graduates.  Four of them. Why are we doing this? I love bringing new people into the business and while you need experience and senior people I’ve found bringing in graduates has been a key part of our success. When I started my first HR technology...
Electronic Signatures in the US

Electronic Signatures in the US

Are Electronic Signatures Legal in the US? Yes. Two Acts establish the legality of electronic signatures in the United States – the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN, 2000) and theUniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA, 1999). Both...
Electronic Acceptance in Australia

Electronic Acceptance in Australia

Home » Archives for Peter Forbes » Page 2 Electronic Contract Acceptance In Australia Australia – Electronic Transactions Act 1999 There is strong legal precedence for electronic acceptance of contracts. The Electronic Transactions Acts 1999 recognises the use...