Make better use of your time in HR by bulk importing contracts. As the holiday season approaches, most HR departments are visited with a familiar feeling of dread. For retail, Christmas casual hiring looms ever closer while for governments, universities and...
Contract season is nearly upon us! Retailers are busy hiring Christmas Casuals en masse whilst the education sector is getting new contracts together for their staff for 2015. I cast my mind back to my own experience as a Christmas casual at David Jones while...
So you’ve finally found your perfect candidate for that open position. Now comes the next step – getting them to join your team! Are you now sending that candidate a large offer pack via mail/email with all the paperwork they need to print,...
Last week I had the pleasure of hosting my first webinar for Navigo on how onboarding can wreck your recruitment process. In this webinar we discussed the importance of a good candidate experience to ensure you hold onto your first choice candidate. I shared my...